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Garden Bricks


Brick Memorial Locator







Right of front steps to the history center

  1.  Founders’ Garden

  2. Futty and Gloria Clingman

  3. Paula Dean

  4. Cindy and Bill Duck

  5. Eric Jackson – In memory of Mary Lucille Jackson

  6. N.F. and Eric Jackson

  7. Charlie and Marshall and Marty Sue Marshall Funeral Home

  8. Sandra Spencer Musser

  9. Paul and Deana Struck (America Shoreline Inc.)

  10. Kam and Scott Wagert – In memory of Carie and Fred Heinsohn


Center Circle (Flag Pole)

  1. Marilyn Johnson and Bill Wise

  2. Mark Watson

  3. Friends of the History Center

  4. Jerry and Marsha Brundrett

  5. Carolyn and John Cauley

  6. Jennifer and James R., Jr. Day

  7. Linda and Loyd Garcia

  8. Sandra Garrison

  9. Robert Johnson

  10. John P. and Deborah Jackson – In memory of Mary Lucille Jackson

  11. Jackie Shaw

  12. Janet Haseman Taylor

  13. Texas Historical Foundation

  14. Pam and Phil Stranahan

  15. Kam and Scott Wagert

  16. Linda Valdez

  17. Sally and Jim Reynolds

  18. Anonymous 1870

  19. Jennifer and Rusty Day

  20. In memory of Daniel (Dendo) Dominguez

  21. Linda Garcia

  22. Dora and Pat McKelvey

  23. Trudy Cary

  24. Richard and Joy Dias

  25. Margaret Sue Rust Foundation

  26. Burt and Penny Mills

  27. Founders’ Garden

  28. Margaret Sue Rust Foundation

  29. Founders’ Garden

  30. Randy Kemper and Roxann Day

  31. Sally Huff

  32. Bob and Liz Hancock Dewer

  33. John and Debbie Jackson

  34. Sandra Swanson

  35. Harold and Kathryn Picton

  36. Steve and Ellen Reisinger

  37. Aransas Pathways

  38. John and Bobbie Nau

  39. Tom and Kay Betz



Left of Front steps of History Center

  1. Founders’ Garden

  2. Gary and Rita Gilbert

  3. Leadership Aransas County XVII (2013)

  4. Marguerite Sours Foundation

  5. Margaret Sue Rust Foundation

  6. History Center Friends

  7. Aransas County Historical Society

  8. John and Bobbie Nau

  9. Founders’ Garden

  10. IBC Bank

  11. Brett Bohn (Key Allegro Real Estate Co.)

  12. Casterline Family

  13. David Dix

  14. John and Ginger Gay

  15. Leadership Aransas County XVI (2012)

  16. Nan Jackson

  17. Humanities Texas

  18. Deana McNorton Strunk

  19. The Watson Foundation

  20. Mandy Ahr and Oliver Snyder

  21. Mike and Diane Probst

  22. Randy Kemper and Roxann Day

  23. Bobby and Jo Ann Little

  24. Norvell Ford Jackson Jr. and Eric Jackson

  25. Marguerite Sours Foundation

  26. In memory of Chuck and Johnnie Vermillion

  27. Roberta Hallam Sherer

  28. Loyd Albert Garcia – 1942-2015

  29. Jeff and Ann Hunt

  30. Bill Wise and Marilyn Johnson

  31. GSM Insurors

  32. In memory of Randy Kemper

  33. Barbara Daniels

  34. Humanities Texas – 2020

  35. In memory of Justyne Mixon Cox

  36. Sandra Swanson

  37. Prosperity Bank – Pat Lizcano

  38. Frame of Mind – Harriet McCarty

  39. Rusty and Ingrid Little

  40. John and Dora Fitzgerald

  41. Margaret Sue Rust Foundation – 2020

  42. Coastal Bend Community Foundation – 2020

  43. Farmers Insurance – Greg Yarbrough

  44. Castaways Thrift Shop – 2020

  45. Summerlee Foundation – 2020

  46. TWFG Melanie Head

  47. John Fitzgerald Kazoo Mastr

  48. Rocky and Melinda Gudim

  49. Prosperity Bank

  50. Luce Properties

  51. In Memory of Janet Taylor

  52. Fran Hynes Gudim

  53. Deana McHorton Shrunk

  54. Linda Mills Richard Hulbrit

  55. Mary S. & Allan Culpin

  56. Bobby Rae Hynes Turnbull

  57. Michael and  Cathy Hynes

  58. Dick and Sharon Haseley

  59. Molly Hynes Collinsworth

  60. In Memory of Ralph and Kathryn Winkleman

  61. Maureen Winkleman Docent of the Year 2021

  62. Denna Shrunk

  63. Jesus Loves You

  64. We Like History Norm & Linda Franks

  65. In Memory of Timilu Latham 2021

  66. In Memory of Carl and Pat Krueger

  67. Tim and Debbie Chapman

  68. Wesleigh J Dias

  69. Mary Lessor Sandy Richards

  70. Patty and Brink Brinkerhoff and Family

  71. In Memory of Ruth Hammett Meme

  72. In Memory of David Coward

  73. Nancy and Robert Shivers

  74. In Memory of Linda Krueger

  75. Randy Kemper


The History Center for Aransas County showcases local heritage.  Outdoor and indoor exhibits tell the stories of the real people of Aransas County. The Center provides space for displays, workshops, meetings and gatherings.


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T: 361-727-9214



Physical Address:

801 E. Cedar St. Rockport,Tx 78382

Mailing Address:

PO Box 106 Fulton, Tx 78358

© 2020 by Friends of the History Center for Aransas County.
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